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Samarium iron nitrogen magnet Sm2Fe17, Curie temperature up to 476 ℃, anisotropy field up to 14T (about twice that of NdFeB ), saturation magnetization increased to 1.54T, the theoretical maximum magnetic energy product is equivalent to that of NdFeB magnet.

Samarium iron nitrogen compound is a thermodynamically metastable structure, it begins to decompose above 600 ℃, so the traditional sintering process cannot be used to make magnets, but this alloy powder can be used to make bonded magnets. Alloy powder can be prepared by traditional powder making process, while powder prepared by melt quenching or mechanical alloying method has better performance.

It is superior to iron chromium cobalt (fecrco) and aluminum nickel cobalt (Alnico) in performance, but slightly weaker in temperature resistance and processability.